Lonnie Holley | The Movement of Thought


The Sound and the Sea (Moved by the Waves), 2023
acrylic, gesso, oil stick and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48"

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The Movement of Thought, 2024
acrylic, gesso and spray paint on canvas
84 x 72"

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Searching for the Lost Child, 2023-2024
acrylic, gesso, oil stick and spray paint on canvas
48 x 48"

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The Hidden Nature of Man, 2023-2024
acrylic, gesso, oil stick and spray paint on canvas
40 x 40"

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Finding Freedom in the Mist, 2024
acrylic, gesso, oil stick and spray paint on canvas
60 x 36"

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When They Spoke, 2023
acrylic, gesso, oil stick, and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48"

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Mama in Chains, 2023
spray paint on paper
30.25 x 22.25"

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On this Side, 2023
spray paint on paper
29.75 x 22.5"

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Out of the Blues, 2021
spray paint on paper
30 x 22.5"

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The Blazing Cross, 2023
spray paint on paper
30 x 22.5"

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Who Gave the Orders?, 2023
spray paint on paper
29.75 x 22.5" 

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Together We Matter, 2023
spray paint on paper
28 x 22"

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